The Jewish Foundation staff is working remotely, and for the foreseeable future, all in-person meetings have been cancelled or will be held virtually. Staff are available by email and phone, and we are here, and would be happy to hear from you.


In the coming weeks, we will continue to monitor updates from Canadian public health officials and other trusted sources. 


Pivoting our operations

We want to assure you that during this time of great community need and uncertainty, our focus and priority are maintaining operations relating to grant distributions and contributions. Mail and faxes are regularly checked. Donations are being processed, and we will continue to approve grants regularly (generally the 1st and 15th of every month) and utilizing wire transfers over cheques when possible.


Want to help the community during these challenging times?

Consider making a distribution from your fund to agencies in need. Feel free to contact your fund manager to discuss options that best suit your interests and current community priorities.